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Energy efficiency in the ‘Italia Nuova Greve in Chianti cooperative company’ store in Panzano

Cooperativa Italia Nostra Greve in Chianti. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020 The Tuscany Region with Dec. n. 15988 of 27 October 2017, approved the Call, implementing Action 4.2.1 sub action a1), “POR CreO FESR 2014-2020 – Aid for energy efficiency projects for corporate buildings – new 2017 call for proposals”, for co-financing, for the specific amount of 40%, non-repayable, energy improvement interventions in the corporate buildings. Subsequently, additional resources were identified to finance a greater number of projects and on 14/11/2018, see Tuscany Regional Bullettin n° 46, the list of projects funded in this second phase was published. The cooperative “Italia Nuova Greve in Chianti cooperative company” is one of these projects selected and, on january 2020, works necessary to improvement of the efficiency of the Coop store in Panzano were been started. A variant has been presented on 08/29/2019 for an adjustement of the amount of expences, increased slightly, from € 56,377.00 initial to € 59,726.71 final. The activities for which funding was requested concern the replacement of the fixtures and electric water heaters, the replacement of the summer air-conditioning system with a summer / winter heat pump air conditioning system. The amount foreseen for the works is equal to € 59.726.71, and the contribution was granted for an amount of € 21.488,28, equal to 40% of the amount of the work, € 56,337.00, previously admitted to financing. In september, the 6th, 2020, all activities, related to the funding, were been finished. A fully renovation of the Coop’s store in Panzano will be completed in the first part of november with new furniture and a better organization of interiors. Greve in Chianti, 10 October 2020
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