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Energy efficiency in the Coop store in Greve in Chianti

The Tuscany Region, with Decree of 15 December 2016, n. 14614 approved the lists of projects admitted and not admitted to the funding of the Call for “Aid for energy efficiency improvement projects” as per Decree no. 3171 of 16 May 2016, published on the B.U.R.T. third part n. 21 of 25/05/2016 – Supplement n. 84. The Cooperativa Italia Nuova Greve in Chianti cooperative company has started work, for which, in the face of a budgeted cost of € 145,246.24, a contribution of € 58.098.50 was granted in the month of January 2017. The planned interventions have been partially realized with the exclusion, in fact, of only the frames. With the interventions carried out and with the new BEMS management system, which allows the remote control of the temperatures and internal values ​​of humidity and CO2 concentration, energy savings of more than 32% have been achieved. The next interventions are planned for the first part of the year 2018 and will consist in replacing the frames. Greve in Chianti, 10 December 2017
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